Read about Project VITAwater update 02.21 in Corporate Social Responsibility Blog | by Sacred Remedy

Project VITAwater update 02.21

It's my pleasure to write about our latest clean water installation, located in Village Qasim Shah, UC Bulri Shah Karim, District Tando, Mohammad Khan, Pakistan, where cases of diarrhea in children younger than 5 years has been recorded, often due to the lack of clean water.

Increased access to deep tube wells may provide dual benefits to vulnerable populations in such villages in Pakistan, by reducing the risk of childhood diarrheal disease and decreasing exposure to naturally occurring arsenic in groundwater. Diarrheal disease remains the second largest cause of death for children worldwide, making it a major threat to child health.

The beneficiaries of this clean water tube well are at least 5 local families.

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