Read about Project VITAwater in Corporate Social Responsibility Blog | by Sacred Remedy

Project VITAwater

We built a safe drinking water hand pump back in 2019, for communities of those who need it most in some of the the poorest parts of the world. Water is a basic essential for human beings we cannot survive without water. People of North Bengal are extremely poor and do not have access to a direct, clean and safe potable water supply. A majority of the people in North Bengal are unemployed due to lack of education & skills which affects their daily lives. As their income is scarce they do not have enough resources to make the arrangements for a water supply in their villages.

installation of a safe water pump
The most deserving people were identified by surveys carried out by the committee made of local responsible persons; eventually the locations were selected by the committee, for installation of a new water hand pump.

" I was in great trouble for drinking water because the water well is far away from our house. I am very poor and our village is situated in a backward area. Recently we have got a hand pump*. I pray that the Almighty may bless the person who has donated this hand pump well for the best interest of mine."  -Shahar Ali Gazi of Village Taltala, P.O- Boyermari, P.S-Sandeshkhali, Dist-North 24 PGS. West Bengal 

picture of water pump site under development

Hearing how we had impacted not only a single person but lives of a whole community touched us deeply and we knew we couldnt stop there, so we began to plan our projects for 2020. The VITAwater initiative.

final construction of safe water hand pump for poor communities

With this initiative, we aim to build two more water hand pumps in the first half and another two in the second half of 2020.

As of 31st January 2020, we are pleased to announce that another two clean water hand pumps are currently under construction, with a completion aim by summer this year; after which we will look to begin the construction of two more for the second half of 2020.

Safe and readily available water is important for everyone’s health, whether it is used for drinking, domestic use, food production or recreational purposes. Improved water supply and sanitation, and better management of water resources, can boost countries' economic growth and can contribute greatly to poverty reduction.


*in conjunction with Tahiria Welfare Trust, Kalikapur, North 24 PGS



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